Fulfilling the Great Commission of disciples making disciples, remaining in Christ and bearing lasting fruit for the kingdom and glory of God here, now and beyond.
“Fulfilling the Great Commission of disciples making disciples, remaining in Christ and bearing lasting fruit for the kingdom and glory of God here, now and beyond.”
Celebrate with us! It is our 24 year anniversary and we want to continue the work God has placed in our hands. Besides The Vine Library Outreach, Victory Soccer Outreach reaching men and children across our city with the Gospel. Hundreds of men have made decisions for Christ. Discipleship takes place through local churches who...
In 2009 after witnessing young men who were hearing the Gospel yet uninterested in attending church in order to play soccer on Sundays, God led VBM President Alex Aburto to begin Victory Soccer League, a City-Wide Inter Church Soccer Outreach weekly sharing Jesus with over 250 men ages 15 and up. .........
VBM’s Internships and Leaders In Training (L.I.T.) Intensives focus on discipleship through evangelism and ministry training then releasing our local students and staff into the Great Commission in our city and beyond. Also, U.S.& International Student Internships are available for a semester or longer. ....
"I am so grateful for my friendship with the Aburto’s at Vine & Branches. They have a passion to raise up disciples to make disciples. Every time I have visited them, I leave challenged and encouraged to continue to do the work of ministry. They are some of the most genuine and authentic people I know. God is using them to impact not just Piedras Negras, but the World!"
Jared Jackson
Pastor | Missionary | Mobile Missions Network
Church Inside Out Verdigris | Claremore, OK
"I love what God is doing through Vine and Branches. They really are discipling this generation! I have seen how they are empowering them to be the church today! It’s not just words they speak, but the life they live in making disciples in Piedras Negras that keeps us coming back to serve with them!"
Mike Lehew
Pastor | Missionary | Mobile Missions Network Executive Director
Church InsideOut | Sapulpa, OK
“I have been friends with the Aburtos and Vine & Branches for over 20 years. They have an untiring passion for reaching the lost & serving God. We have served together both directly and indirectly in announcing the Faith, Hope & Love of Christ across our city. The Aburtos commitment & passion for sharing the Gospel with youth, children and families is unwavering. I can say without a doubt that the kindness and love of God is deeply reflected in their lives & ministry. May God continue to use VBM & the Aburtos in our city and unto the ends of the earth.”
Pastor Elisa Morales Girón
Piedras Negras, Mexico
New Creation Christian Church
Kindergarten- Junior High Christian School
Items Uniquely Handcrafted in Mexico.
Your purchase helps Vine and Branches Ministries reach people with the Gospel.